Streetspace Models

Streetspace Models

The Transportation module has been substantially revised for version 3.0 of CityGML. The Road2CityGML3 guideline (opens in a new tab) describes the new concepts and features in detail.

Road Network

The OpenDRIVE dataset for the TUM and its surroundings was converted to CityGML using the tool r:trån (opens in a new tab). The obtained CityGML 2.0 and 3.0 are available under this repository (opens in a new tab) and can be cloned with the following command:

git clone --depth 1
cd tum2twin-datasets/citygml/road-network-datasets
Streetspace models

The road network was modeled in 2D and therefore has a constant absolute height. Since the terrain around the TUM is fairly flat, this is sufficient for some applications, but not for all.