DatasetsAerial Orthophoto

Aerial Orthophoto Images

The Bavarian State Mapping Agency carries out area-wide aerial campaigns at regular intervals and provides the 20 cm GSD RGB orthophoto images for download via the open data portal:

Orthophotos TUM

Screenshot of a selected bounding box around TUM

The tiles can also be downloaded with the following command:

curl --compressed --remote-name-all "{32690_5336,32691_5336,32690_5335,32691_5335}.tif"

UAS Orthophoto

An orthophoto of the TUM Downtown campus was generated using images acquired in the frame of a Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) laser scanning campaign (see UAS photographs). The orthophoto is derived after photogrammetric reconstruction with Pix4Dmatic (version 1.58.1), producing a point cloud and orthophoto (based on a derived digital object model). The resulting orthophoto image has a resolution of 1.6 cm.

UAS Orthophotos TUM

Screenshot of the UAS orthophoto generated in Pix4Dmatic software

The data are openly available here with a detailed documentation of data acquisition and processing.