Satellite Observations
Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
The European Space Agency (ESA) captures satellite images with Sentinel missions having different sensor modalities. Data from Sentinel-1 (Synthetic Aperture Radar, active sensor, [1]) and Sentinel-2 (multispectral, passive sensor, [2]) have been collected for the Munich area over two years and added to TUM2TWIN. It has been taken care that one image acquisition is attached for each quarter of the year. Quick look images with reduced spatial resolution of year 2022 can be seen below, indicating the nature of the different sensors. The atmospheric correction of the Sentinel-2 data has been conducted using the processor MAJA, integrated to a processing chain at the Earth Observation Center at DLR (accessible via Geoservice). Detailed information for the sensors can be found in two papers listed below and on SentiWiki.
Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data of Munich area including the TUM campus can be downloaded with the following command:
curl --compressed --remote-name-all "pending"
(Note: further data can be found using the Geoservice of DLR and the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem of ESA)
References to sensor missions:
[1] R. Torres, I. Navas-Traver, D. Bibby, S. Lokas, P. Snoeij, B. Rommen, S. Osborne, F. Ceba-Vega, P. Potin, and D. Geudtner, “Sentinel-1 SAR system and mission,” in 2017 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), 2017, pp. 1582–1585.
[2] C. Bouzinac, B. Lafrance, L. Pessiot, D. Touli, M. Jung, S. Massera, M. Neveu-VanMalle, A. Espesset, B. Francesconi, S. Clerc, J. Jackson, B. Alhammoud, F. Viallefont, E. Cadau, R. Iannone, and F. Gascon, “Sentinel-2 level-1 calibration and validation status from the mission performance centre,” in IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2018, pp. 4347–4350.