Mobile Laser Scans

Mobile Laser Scans


  • MLS point clouds with facade-level labels (i.e., windows, doors, balconies, moldings, etc.)
  • 33 annotated facades and 8 non-annotated for further benchmark extension or testing
  • ~333 mln annotated points
  • in local and global (i.e., UTM) coordinate reference system (if struggling with the height transformation (opens in a new tab) - apply 45.66 m vertical offset)
  • file names point to the official CityGML LoD2 building models of Bavaria (e.g., DEBY_LOD2_4959462 -> gml_id=DEBY_LOD2_4959462) [visualisation (opens in a new tab)]
  • settings file for adding your own data
  • more info (opens in a new tab)

TUM-MLS-2016 & TUM-MLS-2018


  • The test dataset TUM MLS 2016 was acquired by mobile laser scanning (MLS) using a van (testbed MODISSA) from the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies, and Image Exploitation (IOSB) on April 18th, 2016.
  • Two Velodyne HDL-64E laser scanners were mounted at an angle of 35 degrees on the front roof of the vehicle (van).
  • The point cloud was acquired through more than 8000 scans (rotations of the scanner head) from each of the two laser scanners.
  • A rendered visualization of parts of the data and their acquisition is shown in a video clip, where each point is gray-value coded according to the echo amplitude measured by the laser scanners.
  • Direct georeferencing was performed using an Applanix POS LV inertial navigation system.
  • The dataset includes the coordinates of measured 3D points and the respective sensor positions.
  • The dataset contains 1,735,045,976 3D points in 17,756 .pcd files (15 minutes) and requires 62 GB of storage.
  • Dataset details can be found here: [ (opens in a new tab)].


  • In 2018, Fraunhofer IOSB acquired mobile laser scanning (MLS) data at the test site "TUM City Campus".
  • More than 10,500 scans (rotations of the scanner head) were conducted using two Velodyne HDL-64E laser scanners.
  • The dataset contains over 2 billion 3D points in 21,170 .pcd files (17 minutes) and requires 73 GB of storage.
  • A basic fine-registration was performed, including loop-closures and registration to the previous "MLS 1 - TUM City Campus" dataset from 2016.
  • A more sophisticated fine-registration may be necessary for tasks such as change detection, and the provided translation vectors can be replaced with better results if needed.
  • If you already have access to the first dataset, you can use the same password and simply replace the "1" in the username with "2".
  • Dataset details can be found here: [ (opens in a new tab)].
MLS Lab 1
MLS Scan 1

3D data visualisation (opens in a new tab)

more info (opens in a new tab)