Building Models

Building Models

Level of Detail 1


This dataset is currently under construction and will be added soon.

Level of Detail 2

The building models in Level of Detail (LOD) 2 are based on the official cadastre with stable object identifiers and an absolute accuracy ranging between 1-3cm. They can be downloaded as CityGML 2.0 datasets for the whole of Bavaria from the open data portal (opens in a new tab) of the Bavarian State Mapping Agency (opens in a new tab).

Building Models in LOD2

The tiles, 690_5334 (opens in a new tab) and 690_5336 (opens in a new tab), can be downloaded with the following command:

curl --compressed --remote-name-all "{690_5334,690_5336}.gml"

Level of Detail 2 + Textures

Derived from the above-mentioned dataset with manually added textures (can be treated as ground-truth). They can be downloaded as CityGML 2.0 datasets for the TUM Campus.

[img pending]

The individual building models can be downloaded here (opens in a new tab) and with the following command:

git clone --depth 1
cd tum2twin-datasets/citygml/lod2-textured-building-datasets

Level of Detail 3

Based on the official LOD2 building models and additional MLS point clouds, the buildings in LOD3 with detailed facades were modeled manually according to this guideline (opens in a new tab). The SketchUp projects (opens in a new tab) as well as the CityGML 2.0 models (opens in a new tab) are available for download per individual building.

Building Models in LOD3

The individual building models can be cloned with the following command:

git clone --depth 1
cd tum2twin-datasets/citygml/lod3-building-datasets