DatasetsSemantic Building Models

Semantic Building Models

The semantic building models are structured according to the OGC CityGML standard.

Level of Detail 3

Based on the official LOD2 building models and additional MLS point clouds, the buildings in LOD3 with detailed facades were modeled manually according to this guideline. The derived CAD models as well as the CityGML 2.0 models are available for download per individual building.

Building Models in LOD3
Semantic LOD3 building models manually created based on point clouds

The individual building models can be cloned with the following command:

git clone --depth 1
cd tum2twin-datasets/citygml/lod3-building-datasets

Level of Detail 2 + Textures

Derived from the above-mentioned dataset with manually added terrestrial-acquired textures (can be treated as ground truth). They can be downloaded as CityGML 2.0 datasets for the TUM Campus and as CAD models. The individual building models can be downloaded here and with the following command:

git clone --depth 1
cd tum2twin-datasets/citygml/lod2-textured-building-datasets

We also store the deprecated initial textured models (used e.g., in Scan2LoD3 paper) under this folder.

Level of Detail 2

The building models in Level of Detail (LOD) 2 are based on the official cadastre with stable object identifiers and an absolute accuracy ranging between 1-3cm. They can be downloaded as CityGML datasets for the whole of Bavaria from the open data portal of the Bavarian State Mapping Agency.

Building Models in LOD2
Semantic LOD2 building models provided by the Bavarian State Mapping Agency

The tiles, 690_5334 and 690_5336, can be downloaded with the following command:

curl --compressed --remote-name-all "{690_5334,690_5336}.gml"